Flourishing Leaders

This course is designed to facilitate Spirit-led transformation so leadership teams can discover ways to lead a flourishing church together.

Course Summary

We believe that our primary call as church leaders is to abide in the Lord’s presence and invite others to join us there. Flourishing Leaders takes this call seriously and seeks to make it a reality amongst your leaders. We want to help move your leadership team from the corporate boardroom to the Upper room. We want to help your leadership team effectively, prayerfully, and competently lead the church as the mission of God.

Flourishing Leaders is designed to facilitate Spirit-led transformation so that leadership teams can discover more effective ways to lead a flourishing church together. We invite you on a 3-part journey to embark on with your fellow elders, lay leaders, committees and/or staff. Flourishing leaders are foundational to leadership development and to promoting healthy church ecosystems - where congregations can flourish.

This resource is designed to be more than just informational. It can help you recalibrate your leadership team, which sets the stage for learning and transformation within your leadership community. It will help you to move head knowledge to heart knowledge for growth and change.  

This online resource provides information via video teaching, spiritual growth activities, group discussions and on-site retreats. It encompasses individual growth exercises, group experiences, and practical teaching grounded in theology to help your leadership team understand how God wants you to lead. The goal is to foster a new type of leadership community and to develop deeper spiritual roots, and to establish connections so that we can grow flourishing disciples who become flourishing leaders that lead flourishing churches!

Flourishing Leaders is broken into 3 parts. 

Part A
Who am I?

• What is an Elder?
• What is Session?  
• Becoming a Healthy Team
• Preparing for Spiritual Leadership  
• Writing & Sharing your Spiritual Autobiography

Part B
What Am I Leading?

• Church as Mission of God
• Aligning your Mission/Vision to How Your Church Functions  
• Building People not Programs  
• Whole Life Discipleship Your Church Culture

Part C
How Do I Lead effectively?

• Leading Change
• Creating Space for God: Discernment  
• Role of the Holy Spirit in Leadership  
• Understanding our Post-Christendom Culture


Each section of the course takes approx. 4 months to complete.

Part A = 4 months
Part B = 4 months
Part C = 4 months


The Flourishing Leaders Course is designed for a church session.

Additionally other leaders: Volunteers, staff, or potential leaders may benefit from this resource.


The course is FREE. However, for a small fee we can match you with a coach to support your churches process through the resource. If you are interested in receiving a coach, email us at office@eco-pres.org.

Thoroughly enjoyed and was blessed through this curriculum! The atmosphere was very calming and pleasing. Gave me the sensation of ‘wanting’ to be there instead of being a mandatory requirement. The lesson clearly broke down and itemized the different areas of the subject. I am looking forward to participating in this curriculum at our Session Retreat, as a group. Although writing a Spiritual Autobiography seems to be a daunting task, it is an intimate way to connect with God, to bring to mind all of His blessings and interventions in our lives, and also to be brutally honest with our Heavenly Father regarding our past hurts, pains and trials. Thank you very much for this training!

 - Russell