Best Practices For Missions Teams

This video-based small group study is designed to help your church explore best practices in leading your church in mission.

Course Summary

This video-based small group study is designed to help your church's mission team/committee explore best practices for leading your church in mission.

Local churches are the primary agents of God’s mission in the world. Equipping mission leaders in your church catalyzes growing mission engagement in your community and the global community. This video-based small group study is designed to help your church’s mission team/committee explore best practices for leading your church in mission.


This study is for church mission teams/committees to work through together. It was designed with the lay-led mission team in mind. Anyone who is involved in leading a church in mission would benefit from this study.


A video-based small group study to help your church’s mission team or committee explore best practices for leading your church in mission. The instruction videos feature teaching from five different experienced mission leaders from ECO churches and include a variety of global church leader testimonies. The discussion guide provides a map for meaningful conversation and suggests additional resources.


• Belonging to a Global Body
• Discerning Local and Global Engagement
• Short-term Mission
• Investing in Mission Relationships
• Engaging your Church in Mission
• Discovering your Next Flourishing Step in Mission


This study provides 6 one-hour meetings. They are designed to complete in conjunction with your regular committee/team meeting by adding an additional hour of study time for 6 months. This gives your team time and opportunity to plan for and implement the best practices you are discussing. You are welcome to go to at your own pace and customize the materials for your needs. The cost to register is $15/person to have access to the videos and download the discussion guide. You may register one person to facilitate your group and view the videos together, or, each participant can register and have personal access.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Jen Haddox, Director of Global Engagement, at

Course Pricing

Enroll For

$15 USD

  • Access to Course and Materials For 1 Year
